Media Ki Baat!

We, at Pune Collective, are pleased to invite you to our eighth program on Saturday, 24th, October 2020! 

Media Ki Baat!

In the last few years, there has been a sharp decline in the way in which media houses- both print and audio-visual- have performed their role and responsibility. There is a dearth of objectivity in reporting, a compromise on the standard of language used, and a clearly biased position on every event reported. The media has become more concerned with profit and pleasing the powers of finance-capital and politics than it is standing with common people and reporting the facts to them.

The TRPs determine the constant high pitch of the “Breaking News” flashing across the screen and the screaming matches between the anchors, reporters, and participants. Apart from a handful of journalists, media personalities, and independent media houses, scant attention is paid to verification of facts and an investigation into the details of the story. Even the editorial and opinion pages, once the stronghold of idealism and justice, are now tools in the hands of a compromised mediocrity.

As all of us are aware, the media plays an important role in maintaining and checking the democratic process. Media has been often called the fourth pillar of democracy, and it has ever since its inception, participated in building some of the strongest democracies world-over.

Keeping this in mind, and with a desire to participate in building an honest and unbiased media, we invite you to a discussion on the state of media today, in India.

We are joined by three eminent media personalities and intellectual voices, to throw light on these issues: Prathamesh Patil, journalist, media analyst, and editor-founder of Indie Journal. Prof. Jaidev Dole, academician, Media Analyst, and writer. Paranjay Guha-Thakurta, senior journalist, political analyst, and former editor of EPW.

This session will be in Marathi and Hindi.





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#PuneCollective #PuneCollective2020
#IdeasOfIndia #Democracy #Freedom #Pluralism