March for Education

The National Education Policy (NEP) seeks to set back the calendar. Serious objections from educationists to NEP were ignored. The economy is in a state of crisis and educational institutions have been shut for months, yet the NEP is now quietly approved by the cabinet, with no discussion in the parliament. In simple terms, NEP is a program for establishing big corporate control over education at all levels. It creates pathways for pushing children out of quality education from class 3 itself in the name of flexibility and offering vocational courses creating a basis for Neo-Manuvad. Online and virtual education replacing actual learning is being pushed for the needs of the corporate telecom and data giants. In fact, to understand the issue in detail Pune Collective held a panel discussion on this topic with education experts and activists. ‘NEP 2020: Manujan Hitaay, Manujan Sukhaay!’

On August 1, 2022 Students Federation of India (#SFI), launched five country-wide ‘Jathas’ (foot marches) — called ‘#MarchforEducation’ — to protest the National Education Policy and demand its withdrawal. When Jatha was in Maharashtra, Pune Collective with the help of Indie Journal had a conversation with #DipsitaDhar and #ArchanaDhruv of SFI at length, to understand their views and demands.

The session is in Hindi and English.

Watch this space for updates.



